Legal Notice

TOYODENSO Deutschland GmbH
All rights reserved. All texts, photos, structures, animations and videos are protected by copyright and other protective rights. The content of this website is not to be copied, published, modified or passed on to third parties for commercial purposes. We potentially post links on third party websites. The TOYODENSO Deutschland GmbH does not assume liability for the contents or websites which are subject to the general terms of use and data protection regulations.

Name and address:
TOYODENSO Deutschland GmbH
Hermannstraße 4
38114 Braunschweig

Phone: +49 (0)531 3939 8820

General Management
Yasuyuki Tobishima
Kiyoshi Koide

Registered office
Commercial court of registration
Amtsgericht Braunschweig

Commercial register no.

Tax ID

Contributors to the website:
We thank our team at TOYODENSO for the help!
Pictorial material: Gregor Dassinger
Texts and layout: Janina Schuster and Miriam Rexin
Advertising agency: 3FX media Werbeagentur